Friday, November 12, 2010

Making Connections

My father is a very driven person I guess that is what links the business world tie into the sports. In order to keep a business running and winning a game you need similar characteristics and qualities. I think for both talents you need to be competitive and driven. When your playing a sport in order to be successful and good you must be fearless I think many people would agree that in order to cut it in business you must share the same qualities.
In my paper I want to stick to this idea to link the two things that I admire and that have shaped my father to be my role mode together.  I thought using personality traits would be very effective and I could look up a journal on research about the two. I think I may be on to something


  1. Jessica I think you are deffinitly on to something. Finding a journal that relates to having drive in a sport, buisness or even as a dad would be interesting to read.

  2. Sounds like an excellent approach - be sure to always bring it back to the two of you.
